The ‘butterfly effect’. Open the pages of a book in Ribchester and…

23 04 2010

The ‘butterfly effect’ is part of Edward Lorenz’s Chaos Theory. The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly’s wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately alter the path of a tornado.

Now consider this…I took out a bank loan from RBS to build our photography studios, and three months later the banking system is on the verge of collapse and there is a worldwide recession. Last week I bought a new MacBook and this week shares in Apple reached an all time high. And spookily last Thursday I started reading Jules Vernes’ Journey to the Centre of the Earth, which is about a volcano in Iceland and……

Open the pages of a book in Ribchester and.......

Perhaps my last blog might bring constitutional changes to Political marketing!

A new Mac, 5 Big Macs, and a blender…

9 04 2010

Like most people in our industry I’m a big Mac fan. Not in the Mcdonalds sense (although I have been known to eat 5 Big Macs one after the other), but in the Apple sense. I’ve had a trusty little MacBook for about 4 years now, and the poor little thing is trying to tell me it’s had enough. I’ve never used a mouse, always prefering the pad, but now my click button is permanently in the click down state causing all sorts of problems. Combine that with the fact the battery is kaput and I can only use it when it’s plugged in, I think it’s time for change.

The new IPad tablet

So do I go for the same or what about the new iPad tablet?  Every review I’ve read seems to have a mixed opinion. Mac devotees will love it….great but does it fulfill a need….I have an iphone and a laptop, I’d love one but do I need all three…. it’s an awkward size, do I carry it around, use it hand held, or flat on my desk?….. But will it replace my laptop?  The New York Times says it’s ‘pretty close’ to being a laptop killer, The Chicago Times calls it ‘The best computer ever invented’….hmmmmm, what to do?

We’ve been keeping an eye on American blender manufacturer Blendtec’s Will It Blend? website for a while. The idea is simple. They are so confident in the power of their blenders they will put any item than can fit into the jug through the Will It Blend? test and broadcast a video on their site. These guys are also considering what to do with the new iPad!

We picked up the story from the Viral Video Charts RSS feed in our reader this morning and a quick jump over to to see the video in situ told us their site is currently down.

Will It Blend Website

Rereading Viral Video Charts stats gave us the reason why. Over four million hits and counting! So did it blend? Of course. And did taping into Apples massive appeal propel them up the viral charts? Definitely. Maybe now they will invest as much money in website hosting as they have in building an iPad destroying blender.

Watch the video here: